Friday, November 8, 2013

HR's time for reflection

Lately I've been very cerebral. Stuck in my thoughts for hours. In fact, as a recruiter you move so fast and speak with so many people - that you very rarely get those moments of deep reflection. It's also that time of year when HR gets a tad hairy. We have open enrollment, budgeting, workforce planning and it's also Q4! The business is trying to finish off strong, but it is HR's time for measuring and planning. Naturally I am knee deep!

I don't know about you, but all this planning requires some deep reflection. Thinking about what worked, what didn't... what improvements are needed? What does next year look like and how will we drive those results? What resources are needed and what resources have had a low ROI? Then there is: data, data, data. Hopefully you have the data to substantiate your opinions and decisions - right? Well, for front line recruiters... maybe not as much. They just know what they know... because they experience it first hand.  However, if you are going to make a business case... data sure would be the icing on the cake now wouldn't it!?

Frankly, my head is spinning with all of these thoughts and ideas!

The thing that I've been pondering most is Branding.... it's a hot topic and has been for years. It affects the recruiter and hr practitioners world in so many ways. If I were to take a holistic look at my day-to-day; the employment brand impacts my ability to recruit, retain and engage the workforce. Sure I could be pondering big data... I could be pondering better engagement strategies (which I think is next on the list), but I keep coming back to branding. I think because to me.... it's foundational. It's grass roots. I've also realized how easily social media gets confused as branding; instead of the vehicle for branding. So, I set out to get a refresher on employment branding and found myself with a plethora of content out there. Sweet!

Some shout outs:

Great post this week in Talent Management Magazine

LinkedIn's - State of Employer Branding

Wise Branding Advice: Your Employment Brand must be genuine!!!
If you brand the company and then can't get your organization to live up to the brand.... essentially it is false advertising. Let me tell you... people do not take kindly to that sort of thing!

Have you come across any good content or stats on employment branding?
Please respond and share..

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