Tuesday, October 1, 2013


"A band's only unique thing is its chemistry, especially if none of you are prodigious players or particularly handsome. The one thing you have is your uniqueness, so we hold on to that." 
- Chris Martin

I think the same applies to partnerships, teams and cultures... the chemistry is an integral part of how smooth, innovative and results oriented the operation can be. Chemistry is a hard thing to fake and not necessarily about similarities. I love witnessing scenarios where two opposite people create this scale-like dynamic between them. A bountiful balance of give and take, yin and yang, push and pull.... bouncing ideas off of one another, finishing each others sentences and each spoken thought builds upon the next in a fusion.

Ok, so maybe I got a bit poetic there... (guilty)

I have witnessed this and it's a total breath of fresh air. Even better when YOU find someone and experience that kind of chemistry first hand... knowing that this could be fate?! Maybe?

My really good friend Maambeamba Arthur-Price (she doesn't mind me shamelessly plugging her awesomeness) and I have that kind of chemistry. We finish each others sentences, highly respect the opinion of the other... we are honest with each other knowing that it only makes us both better. I had the pleasure of finding her, recruiting her.... closing her (which was a fete) and working with her. Since then, I have learned so much about myself and wonder if it wasn't fate to find someone like this to bring professional balance to my life. I have learned from her, she has learned from me...I would not be who I am today if this did not happen. Do not confuse this with mentor... not the same thing. Our chemistry is one of equality, learning and respect.

So, (getting to my point - I promise) when it comes to hiring.... isn't chemistry important? I get the value of behavioral based interviewing. I understand halo-effect and competence... but having interviewed for a job yourself (yes, you reader) have you had the moment when you questioned the chemistry of the team or your chemistry with the manager?

Will this work? Can I work for this person? Will I learn from this person? Will he/she make me better or hold me back from my true potential?

I think it's important and I know "I" wouldn't accept a job unless the chemistry was there and I felt I could learn from (the leader, the team, the challenges) them.

What are your thoughts on chemistry?
Have you witnessed a team or duo who have that  je ne sais quoi?

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