Saturday, June 29, 2013

Interview Debrief Debates

In Recruiting and HR we handle a multitude of head scratching debates after the candidate leaves the office. Here are a few recent ones that I thought were useful, funny and that happen fairly often.

Case of "No Tie"
So he didn't wear a what?! Does that make him less qualified? Less interested? Lazy even?

My personal opinion is that you should dress your utmost professional best for an interview. However, some cultural environments are less conservative and sometimes down right relaxed. You can never go wrong with dressing up. But what about a jacket without the tie? That seemed to be the debate that was had. True competence for the job is what is most important. In the end, if you really want to land the job, dress up and be prepared to communicate and prove your competence. In the end being competent won him the job.

Cell Phone Veto
Nothing is more off putting to a recruiter or hiring manager then when the applicant pulls out their cell phone. Am I not talking here?! Are you done participating? Do you even notice your doing this?! What is so dang important?

Please leave your cell phone in the car or silenced in your pocket. If you think you are unconscious about it and uber-connected - leave the temptation in the car. It is disrespectful and the person that you do it to will and can veto the decision to hire you.

He said WHAT?!
Talk about foot-in-mouth! Oh, the awkward moment when you say the exact thing the employer doesn't want to hear - and its like a movie of your life being played in slow motion in front of you... cringe.

You need to prepare. It's the companies job to make sure your motivations meet the business needs. Telling the employer you desire a job that is in a different industry/profession is a for-sure interview killer. Telling the employer that when you face difficult situations in the work place... you quit, also not a good idea.

What is your most recent head scratching hiring debate?

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